
How to Identify Prints : A Complete Guide to Manual and Mechanical Processes from Woodcut to Inkjet

Réf 1430
Pages: 216
This comprehensive reference work provides all the answers to all the technical questions that constantly arise when trying to identify accurately any kind of print. Is the print in my hand a woodcut, an etching or a lithograph? Is it a stipple engraving or a photogravure reproduction? The book is arranged in sections which can be consulted individually or as part of a larger detective operation. Some ninety different techniques are described, as well as essential features of printing history and related matters such as paper, plate marks, states and the principles of colour separation. A special section entitled 'The Sherlock Holmes Approach' leads the reader with no previous knowledge towards the correct answer, while cross-referencing between sections provides a sequence of clues on some unusual kinds of print which even the expert will find revealing. A key feature of the book is the many illustrations of enlarged details showing the different appearance of various techniques under strong magnification. A glossary provides a clear guide to terminology and to the book itself, completing an unrivalled and indispensable work of reference.

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